1749 BANDS |
These are the bands that are complete to the best of my
knowledge, meaning we have all their demos listed with pictures and information
pertaining to the demos.
A Mind Confused (Swe)
A.P.O.D (Apocalyptic Patapouf Of Disaster) (Fra)
Abacinate (Hol)
Abathor (Pol)
Abhor (Ita)
Abhorer (Sng)
Abhorrence (Fin)
Abhorrence (Ger)
Abhorrent (Chi)
Abhoth (Swe)
Abigail (Jpn)
Abigor (Aut)
Ablaze My Sorrow (Swe)
Abnormity (Swe)
Abominant (Usa)
Abomination (Usa)
Abomination (Pol)
Abominator (Aus)
Abominog (Usa)
Abominor (Bra)
Aborym (Ita)
Abruptum (Swe)
Abscess (Usa)
Absolute Disorder (Fra)
Absolution (Eng)
Absorbed (Spa)
Absu (Usa)
Absu (Ita)
Absurd (Swe)
Absurd (Swi)
Absurd Existence (Ger)
Abysmal (Nor)
Abyss (Jpn)
Abyssals (Fra)
Abyssic Hate (Aus)
Abyssos (Swe)
Accidental Suicide (Usa)
Accuracy (Ger)
Accursed (Usa-WI)
Acheron (Usa)
Achiral (Mlt)
Acrimony (Eng)
Acrostichon (Hol)
Adnauseam (Usa)
Adonay (Pry)
Adramelech (Fin)
Aes (Ita)
Aeterna (Fra)
Aeternus (Nor)
Afflicted (Swe)
Afflicted Convulsion (Swe)
Afterlife (Usa)
Aftermath (Usa-IL)
Agalloch (Usa)
Agarthi (Ita)
Agathocles (Bel)
Agathodaimon (Ger)
Agatus (Gre)
Aggressor (Ita)
Agone (Fra)
Agonia (Ita)
Agonize (Den)
Agony (Swe)
Agoraphobia (Ger)
Agresion (Col)
Agressor (Fra)
Ahrimah (Pol)
Aiwaz (Ita)
Akrabu (Usa)
Alas (Usa)
Alastis (Swi)
Alastor (Pol)
Alchemist (Aus)
Aleister (Fra)
Algaion (Swe)
Algol (Nor)
All Blessed (Fra)
Allegiance (Aus)
Allegiance (Swe)
Alpheratz (Mex)
Altar (Swe)
Altar (Hol)
Altar (Usa)
Altar of Perversion (Ita)
Altered Existence (Usa)
Amentia (Swe)
Amon (Czk)
Amon Amarth (Swe)
Amorphis (Fin)
Amputation (Nor)
Amulance (Usa)
An Erotic Funeral (Can)
Anacrusis (Usa)
Anal Blast (Usa)
Anaon (Fra)
Anarchus (Swi)
Anathema (Eng)
Anatomy (Aus)
Ancalagon (Fra)
Ancient (Nor)
Ancient (Swe)
Ancient Ceremony (Ger)
Ancient Rites (Bel)
Ancient Slumber (Swe)
Ancient Wargod (Ger)
Ancient Wisdom (Swe)
And Oceans (Fin)
Anestesia (Spa)
Anesthesia (Fra)
Anesthesy (Bel)
Angel Dust (Ger)
Angel of Light (Bra)
Angelcorpse (Usa)
Angelkill (Usa)
Angels in Exile (Usa)
Anger (Bra)
Angra (Bra)
Annalist (Pol)
Annihilator (Can)
Anthagonist (Can)
Anti-Heros (Usa)
Anubi (Ltu)
Aphasia (Aus)
Apocalypse (Den)
Apocalyptic (Pol)
Apocalyptic Fear (Can)
Apocryphal (Fra)
Apolions Genocide (Col)
Apollgon (Swe)
Apostasy (Usa-FL)
Apotheosis (Ger)
Apparition (Usa)
Arcan (Fra)
Arckanum (Swe)
Ares Kingdom (Usa)
Arghoslent (Usa)
Argos (Cri)
Arkham (Fra)
Arkham (Ger)
Arkonen (Fra)
Armoured Angel (Aus)
Arsenal (Hun)
As I Lay Dying (Aut)
As Vampiric Shades and Belial Winds (Bra)
Asafated (Tur)
Asmodeus (Nor)
Asphyx (Hol)
Asphyxiation (Pol)
Assassin (Ger)
Asshole (Fra)
Assorted Heap (Ger)
Assuck (Usa)
Astaroth (Usa)
Astoroth (Usa)
Astrofaes (Ukr)
At the Gates (Swe)
At War (Usa)
Ater (Fin)
Atheist (Usa)
Atomic Aggressor (Chi)
Atrocity (Ger)
Atrocity (Ger)
Atrocity Exhibition (Ger)
Atrophy (Usa)
Atropos (Usa)
Attaxe (Usa)
Attitude Adjustment (Usa)
Author of Pain (Swe)
Autopsy (Usa)
Autumn Leaves (Den)
Avatar (Usa-CA)
Averno (Col)
Avernus (Usa)
Averon (Swe)
Averse Sefira (Usa)
Avoidness (Swe)
Avulsed (Spa)
Awakening (Hol)
Axton Pryte (Fra)
Azaghal (Fin)
Azaghal (Pol)
Azatoth (Swe)
Azaxul (Ger)
Baal Sebul (Swe)
Bacteria (Usa)
Bactherion (Por)
Bastard Saints (Ita)
Bathym (Usa)
Bay Laurel (Swe)
Beelzebub (Nor)
Behemoth (Gre)
Behemoth (Swe)
Behemoth (Pol)
Behexen (Fin)
Bekhira (Fra)
Belial (Fin)
Bellgrave (Ger)
Belphegor (Usa)
Belphegor (Hol)
Belsebub (Swe)
Belsemar (Swe)
Benediction (Eng)
Benefits Forgot (Fin)
Berbe (Swe)
Bergthron (Ger)
Berith (Ger)
Bestial Sacrifice (Fra)
Bestial Summoning (Hol)
Bestial Warlust (Aus)
Bethel (Fin)
Bethlehem (Jpn)
Bethlehem (Ger)
Bethor (Gre)
Betrayed (Chi)
Betrayer (Pol)
Bewitched (Swe)
Bewitched (Chi)
Beyond (Swe)
Beyond (Hol)
Beyond Dawn (Nor)
Beyond Fear (Eng)
Bifrost (Hol)
Bihor Massif (Usa)
Biotech (Czk)
Bishop of Hexen (Isr)
Bitches Sin (Eng)
Bitterdusk (Chi)
Black Crucifixion (Fin)
Black Death (Nor)
Black Draugwath (Rus)
Black Funeral (Bra)
Black Funeral (Usa)
Black Mass of Absu (Usa)
Black Witchery (Usa)
Blackdeath (Rus)
Blacklord (Usa)
Blackshine (Swe)
Blasphemy (Can)
Blind Guardian (Ger)
Blind Mirror (Ita)
Blitzkrieg (Aus)
Blood (Ger)
Blood Coven (Usa)
Blood Covered (Gre)
Blood Duster (Aus)
Blood of Christ (Can)
Blood Ritual (Usa)
Blood Storm (Usa)
Bloodlust (Usa-NJ)
Bloodstone (Swe)
Bloody Mary (Usa-NC)
Blutorden (Fra)
Blutrache (Fin)
Bluuurgh (Hol)
Borea (Pol)
Botulistum (Hol)
Braindead (Swe)
Braindeath (Fra)
Brainwashing (Hol)
Breathe Ones Last (Ita)
Breeding Fear (Ger)
Broken Arrow (Fra)
Broken Edge (Fra)
Broken Hope (Usa)
Brutal Truth (Usa)
Brutality (Usa)
Burial (Eng)
Burial (Usa)
Burial Chamber (Fra)
Burial Ground (Fra)
Buried Beneath (Usa)
Burning Inside (Usa)
Burning Winds (usa)
Burzum (Nor)
Butchery (Usa-NY)
Butchery (Usa-AL)
C.O.D (Come on Dead) (Fra)
C.R.Y (Cremacion Resurrection Y) (Ecu)
Caarcrinolas (Fra)
Cabal (Ger)
Cabaret for Bereaved (Fin)
Cadaver (Nor)
Caducity (Bel)
Callenish Circle (Hol)
Calvary (Ita)
Cancerbero (Chi)
Candle Serenade (Por)
Cangrena (Cri)
Canker (Spa)
Cannabyss (Usa)
Cannibal Corpse (Usa)
Cantara (Hol)
Captor (Swe)
Carbonized (Swe)
Carcass (Eng)
Caricature (Fin)
Carnage (Eng)
Carnage (Swe)
Carnal Dissection (Usa)
Carnifex (Fin)
Carrion Lord (Usa)
Carronya (Spa)
Cartilage (Fin)
Castigate (Ger)
Castle (Hol)
Catacomb (Fra)
Catacomb (Ita)
Catacomb (Slo)
Catalepsy (Eng)
Catalepsy (Fra)
Cataleptic (Col)
Cathedral (Eng)
Cauterizer (Swe)
Celestial Season (Hol)
Cemetary (Swe)
Cemetery (Fra)
Cemetery (Sng)
Cemetery Earth (Usa)
Cemetery of Scream (Pol)
Cenotaph (Ita)
Cenotaph (Mex)
Centinex (Swe)
Centurian (Hol)
Centurion Centauri (Fra)
Cerberus (Swe)
Cerberus (Usa-NJ)
Cerebral Concussion (Pol)
Cerebrum (Fin)
Ceremonial Oath (Swe)
Ceremonium (Usa)
Ceremony (Usa-TX)
Chaosotis (Hol)
Chapel of Rest (Eng)
Charon (Fin)
Checker Patrol (Nor)
Chemical Warfare (Bly)
Children of Maani (Fra)
Chorus of Ruin (Eng)
Christ Agony (Pol)
Christ Denied (Spa)
Christ the Insane (Pol)
Christbait (Aus)
Chronic Anguish (Swe)
Cianide (Usa)
Clandestine Blaze (Fin)
Coercion (Swe)
Colemesis (Cri)
Command (Bra)
Conception (Nor)
Concrete Sleep (Swe)
Condemnation (Pol)
Confessor (Usa)
Confusion (Pol)
Contagion (Usa-IL)
Contra (Swe)
Convulse (Fin)
Coprophagist (Ger)
Corpse (Swe)
Corpse (Bra)
Corpsegrinder (Usa)
Corpus (Can)
Corpus Mortale (Den)
Corrosive Divine (Swe)
Corruption (Usa)
Cougar (Fra)
Covenant (Nor)
Crab Phobia (Swe)
Crack Up (Ger)
Cradle Of Filth (Eng)
Cranial Torment (Gre)
Cremation (Usa-NJ)
Cremator (Nor)
Crematorian (Usa)
Crematory (Ger)
Crematory (Swe)
Cretin (Hol)
Criminal Death (Bel)
Crimson Death (Usa)
Crimson Evenfall (Fin)
Crimson Garden (Fra)
Cross Fade (Usa)
Crowley (Swe)
Crown of Autumn (Ita)
Crown of Thorns (Swe)
Cruachan (Ire)
Crucifer (Usa)
Crucifier (Usa)
Crucifix (Usa)
Crucifixion (Usa)
Cruentus (Eng)
Cryogen (Usa)
Crypt (Aus)
Crypt of Kerberos (Swe)
Cryptopsy (Can)
Crystal Age (Swe)
Crystal Eyes (Swe)
Cthonium (Gre)
Cultus Sanguine (Ita)
Curse (Fin)
Cyanosis (Usa)
Cyclone (Bel)
Cynic (Usa)
D.N.A (Death by Nuclear Annihilation) (Can)
Daedeloth (Pol)
Dagon (Fra)
Dahmer (Can)
Damage (Fin)
Damaged Corpse (Bel)
Damnation (Swe)
Damnation (Usa-CA)
Damned Cross (Mex)
Damonacy (Usa)
Dark Abbey (Swe)
Dark Art (Fra)
Dark Edge (Swe)
Dark Millennium (Ger)
Dark Tranquillity (Swe)
Dark Virgin (Fra)
Darken (Fra)
Darkest Hour (Usa)
Darkest Oath (Gre)
Darkified (Swe)
Darkmoon (Usa)
Darkness (Chi)
Darkness (Ger)
Darkness Enshroud (Usa)
Darkstyle (Fin)
DarkThrone (Nor)
Darkwoods My Betrothed (Fin)
Dawn (Swe)
Dawn (Ger)
Dawn of Decay (Swe)
Dawnfall (Ger)
DDT (Pol)
De Occulta Philosophia (Ita)
Dead (Usa)
Dead Christ (Eng)
Dead End (Hol)
Dead Head (Hol)
Dead Infection (Pol)
Dead Orchestra (Usa)
Dead Zone (Fra)
Deadly Dislocated (Fra)
Death (Usa)
Death Angel (Usa)
Death Courier (Gre)
Death in Action (Ger)
Death Power (Fra)
Death Threat (Usa)
Death Yell (Chi)
Deathcore (Ger)
DeathKids (Usa)
Deathless (Spa)
Deathmass (Usa)
Deathrash (Usa)
Debauchery (Usa-NC)
Decadence (Bel)
Decameron (Swe)
Decay (Por)
Decay (Svk)
Decayed (Por)
Decayed Catacomb (Slo)
Deceased (Usa)
Deceiver (Fin)
December Wolves (Usa)
Decembers Fire (Pol)
Decerebration (Can)
Decomposed (Eng)
Decomposed (Fra)
Decortication (Swe)
Decrepit (Usa-OH)
Decrial (Den)
Defleshed (Swe)
Deformity (Swe)
Deformity (Mex)
Dehumanized (Pol)
Dehydrated (Pol)
Dejecta (Usa)
Delirium (Hol)
Dellamorte (Swe)
Demented Ted (Usa)
Dementia (Fra)
Dementia (Jpn)
Demilich (Fin)
Demise (Swe)
Demise (Usa-OR)
Demogorgon (Usa-PA)
Demolition Hammer (Usa)
Demonax (Usa)
Demoniac (Nzl)
Demonic (Nor)
Demonic Christ (Usa)
Demonomacy (Usa)
Denial of God (Den)
Deranged (Swe)
Derketa (Usa)
Desaster (Ger)
Descend (Usa)
Desecrate (Aus)
Desecrate (Spa)
Desecrate (Hol)
Desecrator (Swe)
Desincarnated (Fra)
Desire (Por)
Despise (Gre)
Despise You (Usa)
Despondent (Usa)
Destiny (Swe)
Destroyer 666 (Aus)
Destruction (Ger)
Desultory (Swe)
Desultory (Hol)
Deteriorate (Usa)
Deteriorot (Usa)
Deterrent (Fra)
Deviated Instinct (Eng)
Devilry (Fin)
Dew Scented (Ger)
Diabolic (Usa)
Diabolic Vomit (Hol)
Diatort (Bra)
Dies Irae (Nor)
Dim Mak (Usa)
Dimmu Borgir (Nor)
Dion Fortune (Swe)
Diphtery (Fra)
Disabled (Fra)
Disastrous Murmur (Aut)
Disattack (Eng)
Disembodied (Usa-FL)
Disembodied (Usa-NY)
Disembowelment (Aus)
Disgorge (Usa)
Disgorge (Mex)
Disgorge (Nor)
Disgorged (Usa)
Disgrace (Swe)
Disgust (Usa)
Disgust (Fra)
Disgusting (Nor)
Disharmonic Orchestra (Aut)
Disincarnate (Usa)
Dismal Euphony (Nor)
Dismember (Swe)
Dismembered Fetus (Usa)
Dismhal (Ita)
Dispatched (Swe)
Disrupt (Usa)
Dissection (Swe)
Dissection (Pol)
Dissection (Ltu)
Dissection (Can)
Distorted Disproportionation (Ger)
Disturbed (Usa)
Divine Empire (Usa)
Divine Eve (Usa)
Dodheimsgard (Nor)
Dolmen (Usa)
Dominus (Usa-OH)
Donor (Hol)
Doomed (Usa)
Doomstone (Usa)
Doomwatch (Usa)
Dr Shrinker (Usa)
Dramafall (Por)
Draugwath (Rus)
Drawn and Quartered (Usa)
Driven Steel (Usa)
Drogheda (Usa)
Drowned (Fra)
Drowned (Ger)
Drowned (Hol)
Dungeon (Ita)
Dying Fetus (Usa)
Dystopia (Usa)
E.T (Eternal Tormentor) (Swe)
Earth A.D. (Can)
Ebonsight (Tur)
Ebony Tears (Swe)
Edge of Sanity (Swe)
Einherjer (Nor)
El Pecado (Usa)
Eldritch (Eng)
Eldritch Horror (Usa)
Electrocution (Ita)
Elysian Fields (Gre)
Elysium (Usa-FL)
Emaciated (Usa)
Embalmed (Usa-TX)
Embalmed (Swe)
Embalmer (Usa)
Ember (Usa)
Embrace by Dark (Bul)
Embraced (Swe)
Embrionic Death (Usa)
Embryo (Swe)
Embryonic (Nor)
Emorrhage Corpse (Ita)
Emperor (Nor)
Emptor (Nor)
Enchanted (Nor)
Endless Pain (Ger)
Enemy Soil (Usa)
Enid (Ger)
Enkil (Usa)
Enshrined (Swe)
Ensiferum (Fin)
Enslaved (Nor)
Enthroned (Bel)
Enthroned (Usa-IL)
Entity (Swe)
Entombed (Swe)
Entownizer (Can)
Envenom Thy Winds (Usa)
Epidemic (Usa)
Epitaph (Swe)
Epitaph (Usa-FL)
Epitome (Pol)
Epoch of Unlight (Usa)
Epytaph (Fra)
Equimanthorn (Usa)
Equinox (Usa)
Erevos (Gre)
Eroded (Spa)
Esgaroth (Gre)
Estuary of Calamity (Usa)
Eternal Autumn (Swe)
Eternal Darkness (Swe)
Eternal Dirge (Ger)
Eternal Hatred (Usa)
Eternal Mind (Swe)
Eternal Sorrow (Bra)
Eternal Tears of Sorrow (Fin)
Eternal Winter (Swe)
Eterne (Eng)
Ethereal (Ita)
Etherial Winds (Hol)
Etheric Soul (Fra)
Ethos Heroicon (Gre)
Etsicroxe (Fra)
Eucharist (Swe)
Eutanasia (Col)
Euthanasia (Jpn)
Eve of Mourning (Usa)
Evemaster (Fin)
Ever Dark (Usa)
Eviction (Usa)
Evil Dead (Usa)
Evil Omen (Fra)
Evocation (Swe)
Evol (Ita)
Evolution Fail (Can)
Excavation (Hol)
Excidium (Ita)
Excision (Hol)
Excoriate (Usa)
Excrescent (Usa)
Excretion (Swe)
Excruciate (Swe)
Excruciating Terror (Usa)
Execration (Usa-AZ)
Execrator (Chi)
Execution (Fra)
Exempt (Swe)
Exhumed (Swe)
Exile (Swe)
Existence (Usa)
Exkrement (Fra)
Exmortis (Usa)
Exoto (Bel)
Experiment (Usa)
Expulsion (Swe)
Extinction (Pol)
Exulceration (Swi)
Exumer (Ger)
Eyegouger (Usa)
Faciess (Fra)
False Prophet (Usa)
Faltomy (Fin)
Fantom Warior (Usa)
Fatal (Usa-SC)
Fear Factory (Usa)
Fear My Solitude (Swe)
Fester (Nor)
Fiendish Nymph (Gre)
Fifth Dominion (Ire)
Filii Nigrantium Infernalium (Por)
Filth (Aus)
Fimbul (Nor)
Fimbulwinter (Nor)
Final Conflict (Usa)
Final Descent (Usa)
Finntroll (Fin)
Flesh Feast (Can)
Flesh Temptation (Bra)
Fleshgrind (Usa)
Fleshless (Czk)
Fleurety (Nor)
Flight Charm (Ita)
Flotsam and Jetsam (Usa)
Forbidden Evil (Usa)
Forbidden Site (Fra)
Forced Entry (Usa)
Forgotten Silence (Czk)
Forgotten Sunrise (Est)
Forgotten Woods (Nor)
Forsaken (Mlt)
Forsaken Grief (Swe)
Fourth Dimension (Can)
Fourth Reich (Swi)
Frayeurs (Fra)
Front Terror (Pol)
Frostdemonstorm (Gre)
Frozen Shadows (Can)
Frozen Stream (Fin)
Frozen Tear (Fin)
Fulgor (Ger)
Funebre (Fin)
Funebre Inferi (Gre)
Funeral (Fra)
Funeral Dirge (Den)
Funeral Frost (Swe)
Funeral Oration (Ita)
Funeral Rites (Jpn)
Funerus (Usa)
Furbowl (Swe)
Gaffed (Usa)
Gallows (Isr)
Gandalf (Fin)
Gang (Fra)
Garcharot (Fin)
Garden of Shadows (Usa)
Garden of Silence (Fra)
Gardens of Obscurity (Swe)
Gates of Ishtar (Swe)
Gehenna (Nor)
Gehennah (Swe)
General Surgery (Swe)
Genetic Mutation (Swe)
Geneticide (Usa)
Genital Grinder (Ita)
Genital Putrefaction (Pol)
Ghostorm (Ltu)
Ghostrider (Ita)
Gibbed (Jpn)
Gilgamosh (Swe)
Glacial Fear (Ita)
Goat Semen (Per)
GoatLord (Usa)
Goatpenis (Bra)
God Dethroned (Hol)
God Forsaken (Fin)
Godfall (Fin)
Godgory (Swe)
Godkiller (Ger)
Gods Tower (Bly)
Godsend (Nor)
Gomorrah (Eng)
Gore Beyond Necropsy (Jpn)
Goreaphobia (Usa)
Gorefest (Hol)
Gorelust (Can)
Gorement (Swe)
Gorgon (Fra)
Gorgoroth (Nor)
Gorguts (Can)
Gory Melanoma (Usa)
Gospel of the Horns (Aus)
Gothic (Fra)
Grand Belials Key (Usa)
Grave (Swe)
Grave Flowers (Swe)
Graveland (Pol)
Graveworms (Fra)
Graveyard (Usa)
Gravferd (Nor)
Green Carnation (Nor)
Grievance (Usa)
Grim (Swe)
Grim Reaper (Eng)
Grimoire (Isr)
Grinding Death (Swe)
GrindMaster Dead (Lat)
Groinchurn (Afr)
Gromowladny (Pol)
Grotesque (Swe)
Grotesque Infection (Usa)
Gruesome Fate (Usa)
Guardian (Pol)
Guillotine (Swe)
Gut (Ger)
Gutted Pulp (Usa)
Habitat (Swe)
Haborym (Usa)
Hades (Nor)
Haemorrhage (Pol)
Haemorrhage (Spa)
Harassed (Swe)
Hardware (Mex)
Harkenkreuz (Jpn)
Hastur (Ita)
Hasty Death (Swe)
Hate Eternal (Usa)
Hated and Proud (Usa)
Hatred (Aus)
Hatred Dusk (Fra)
Havoc Mass (Usa)
Hazael (Pol)
Hazarax (Usa)
Hazy Hill (Tur)
Headrot (Usa)
Hearse (Usa)
Heathen (Usa)
Hecatomb (Aus)
Hecatombe (Fra)
Helheim (Nor)
Hell (Ger)
Hellhammer (Swi)
Hellpreacher (Usa)
Hellwitch (Usa)
Helwetti (Fin)
Hemdale (Usa)
Heresiarh (Lat)
Hermh (Pol)
Hetsheads (Swe)
Hideous Corpse (Usa)
Hideous Mangleus (Usa)
Hieronym Inferiorum (Gre)
Hirilorn (Fra)
Hittman (Usa)
Hobbs Angel of Death (Aus)
Hollow (Swe)
Hollow (Usa-WI)
Holocaust (Can)
Holocausto (Col)
Holy Hell (Fin)
Holy Terror (Usa)
Homicide (Ita)
Horna (Fin)
Horrid (Ita)
Horrified (Fra)
Horrified (Gre)
Horrorscope (Pol)
Hotopsy (Fra)
House of Usher (Swe)
Human Remains (Usa-KY)
Human Remains (Usa-NJ)
Human Waste (Spa)
Humanicide (Usa)
Hybernoid (Eng)
Hypnosis (Pol)
Hypocrite (Swe)
Hysteriah (Swe)
Iced Earth (Usa)
Ichor (Gre)
Iconoclast (Ita)
Ignis Fatuus (Fra)
Ildjarn (Nor)
Illdisposed (Den)
Imbrute (Fin)
Immanis (Eng)
Immemorial (Pol)
Immersed in Blood (Swe)
Immolation (Usa)
Immortal (Nor)
Immortal Hate (Ger)
Impact Winter (Aus)
Impaled Nazarene (Fin)
Imperial (Swe)
Imperial (Usa)
Imperial (Fra)
Impetigo (Usa)
Impiety (Sng)
Imprecation (Usa)
In Flames (Swe)
In My Veins (Fin)
In the Woods (Nor)
Incantation (Usa)
Incarnated (Por)
Incarnation (Swe)
Incarnis (Usa)
Incest (Usa)
Incest (Pol)
Incision (Swe)
Incision (Usa)
Incubus (Usa-LA)
Incubus (Usa-GA)
Incursion (Swe)
Inearthed (Fin)
Inertial Mass (Spa)
Infamy (Usa)
Infaustus (Usa)
Infernal Beauty (Bel)
Infernal Gates (Swe)
Inferno (Hol)
Inferno (Nor)
Infernum (Pol)
Infest (Usa)
Infestation (Usa-NY)
Infestation (Usa-MA)
Inflammation (Czk)
Iniquity (Den)
Inquisition (Col)
Inquisitor (Hol)
Insalubrious (Swe)
Insane (Bel)
Insane (Pol)
Insania Trivium (Bly)
Insatanity (Usa)
Insision (Swe)
Interment (Fin)
Interment (Swe)
Internal Bleeding (Usa)
Internal Decay (Swe)
Intestine Baalism (Jpn)
Into the Sunless Meridian (Usa)
Intoxicate (Swe)
Intumescence (Swi)
Inverted (Swe)
Inverted Pentagram (Hol)
Invocator (Den)
IR8 (Usa)
Iron Angel (Ger)
Iron Fist (Usa)
Irreverent (Usa)
Iscariota (Pol)
Isengard (Nor)
Isengard (Swe)
Isildur Bane (Fra)
Iudicium (Bul)
Judgement Day (Hol)
Jumper Lace (Fra)
Jungle Rot (Usa)
Kaamos (Fin)
Kalisia (Fra)
Kamelot (Usa)
Kampfar (Nor)
Karonte (Spa)
Katatonia (Swe)
Katharsis (Pol)
Katharsis (Ger)
Keep of Kalessin (Nor)
Keks (Swe)
Killing Addiction (Usa)
Killpower (Usa)
Konkhra (Den)
Korrosion (Spa)
Korrupt Insanity (Usa)
Korsakov (Hol)
Koz-E Kittens (Usa)
Krabator (Czk)
Kristendom (Fra)
Kristos Mortis (Swe)
Krvestreb (Tur)
Kyprians Circle (Fin)
Lake of Tears (Swe)
Lamentation (Bra)
Landfill (Usa)
Langsuyr (Mal)
Last Days of Humanity (Hol)
Last Rite (Ita)
Last Rite (Usa)
Lawnmower Deth (Eng)
Leave Scars (Swe)
Legacy (Usa)
Lemming Project (Ger)
Let Me Dream (Fin)
Lethal Aggression (Usa)
Lethal Impact (Bel)
Lethal Prayer (Usa)
Leukemia (Swe)
Libation (Sng)
Life Artist (Ger)
Ligament (Swe)
Living Death (Ger)
Lobotomy (Swe)
Lord (Fra)
Lord Crucifier (Eng)
Lord Mortis (Can)
Lords of the Stone (Hol)
Loudblast (Fra)
Lucifer (Swe)
Luciferion (Swe)
Lucifers Hammer (Usa)
Lucifers Heritage (Ger)
Lullaby (Bra)
Lunacy (Swi)
Lust (Can)
M.A.D (Mutilation And Death) (Bel)
M.pheral (Fra)
Macabre (Usa)
Macabre End (Swe)
Macabre Omen (Gre)
Macbeth (Ita)
Maceration (Swe)
Macifecation (Can)
Macrodex (Swe)
Madryal (Fra)
Magus (Usa)
Majesty (Fin)
Majesty (Usa)
Malamor (Usa)
Malefic Oath (Hol)
Maleficarum (Ita)
Malevolent Creation (Usa)
Malicious Intent (Eng)
Malicious Onslaught (Usa)
Malign (Swe)
Malignancy (Usa)
Malitiae (Swe)
Manes (Nor-Askim)
Manes (Nor-Trondheim)
Mangled (Can)
Mangled (Hol)
Maniac (Usa)
Maniac Butcher (Czk)
Maniacal Genocide (Usa)
Manifrest (Swe)
Mantas (Usa)
Mantus (Usa)
Marauder (Gre)
Marduk (Swe)
Martyr (Arg)
Martyrium (Ger)
Martyrium (Ita)
Masacre (Col)
Masochism (Usa)
Masochist (Usa)
Mass Psychosis (Usa)
Massacre (Cri)
Massacre (Chi)
Mastema (Swe)
Masticate (Swe)
Mastication (Swe)
Mastoc (Can)
Masturbathor (Pol)
MatanBoukous (Fra)
Mayhem (Nor)
Mayhemic Truth (Ger)
Measureless (Swe)
Meatshits (Usa)
Medalyon (Usa)
Medieval (Usa)
Medieval Demon (Gre)
Mefisto (Swe)
Megaslaughter (Swe)
Melancholia (Usa)
Melancholy Pessimism (Czk)
Melechesh (Isr)
Melem (Fra)
Memory Garden (Swe)
Mental Oppression (Fra)
Merciless (Swe)
Mercury Rising (Usa)
Mercyless (Fra)
Meshuggah (Swe)
Mesmerize (Fra)
Messe Noir (Usa)
Messiah (Swi)
Mestema (Fra)
Metallica (Usa)
Metallords (Fra)
Metamorphosis (Ger)
Metroz (Swe)
Mezzrow (Swe)
Midian (Hol)
Midnight Sun (Fin)
Militia (Usa-TX)
Minas Morgul (Pol)
Mind Snare (Ita)
Mindless Creation (Swe)
Mindrot (Usa)
Minotaur (Ger)
Miracle (Pol)
Mirror of Deception (Ger)
Misanthrope (Fra)
Misanthropic Poetry (Rus)
Misery (Aus)
MistWeaver (Rus)
Mithotyn (Swe)
Mjolnir (Ger)
Mnemonic (Swe)
Moaning Wind (Swe)
Mock (Nor)
Molested (Nor)
Monark (Fra)
Monastery (Pol)
Monastery (Hol)
Monstrosity (Usa)
Monument (Usa)
Moon (Tur)
Moonblood (Ger)
Moonburn (Usa)
Moondark (Swe)
Moonspell (Por)
Moral Decay (Swe)
Moral Decay (Can)
Moral Gutter (Pol)
Morbid (Swe)
Morbid Angel (Usa)
Morbid Cadaver (Per)
Morbid Corpses (Usa)
Morbid Dread (Can)
Morbid Fear (Swe)
Morbid God (Por)
Morbid Prelude (Bra)
Morbid Saint (Usa)
Morbid Symphony (Eng)
Morbiddead (Can)
Morbidity (Swe)
Morbidon (Usa)
Morbius (Usa)
Morbosidad (Usa)
Morgatory (Usa)
Morgion (Usa)
Morgoth (Ger)
Morgue (Usa)
Moribund (Bel)
Moribund Tremendous Orchestra (Ger)
Moriturus (Pol)
Mork Gryning (Swe)
Morpheus (Usa)
Morpheus Descends (Usa)
Morphosis (Fin)
Morta Skuld (Usa)
Mortal Agony (Fin)
Mortal Decay (Usa)
Mortal Dread (Usa)
Mortal Fear (Fra)
Mortal Slaughter (Pol)
Mortality (Swe)
Mortem (Nor)
Mortem (Per)
Mortes Saltantes (Jpn)
Morthra (Hol)
Mortician (Usa)
Mortifier (Ita)
Mortify (Gre)
Mortiis (Nor)
Mortuary Drape (Ita)
Mortuum (Pol)
Motley Crue (Usa)
Mourn (Eng)
Mourning Beloveth (Ire)
Mucus (Fra)
Mule Skinner (Usa)
Murder Rape (Bra)
Murdergod (Usa)
Musical Massacre (Ger)
Musta Surma (Fin)
Mutiilation (Fra)
Mutilated (Fra)
Mutilator (Bel)
Mutilator (Fra)
My Dying Bride (Eng)
Mysteriis (Col)
Mystic (Can)
Mystic Fury (Usa)
Mysticum (Nor)
Mystifier (Bra)
Mythic (Usa)
N.M.E (No Mental Effort) (Usa)
Naervaer (Nor)
Nagelfar (Ger)
Naglfar (Swe)
Nahash (Ltu)
Naked Eve (Eng)
Naked Whipper (Ger)
Naphobia (Usa)
Nargaroth (Ger)
Nasferatu (Usa)
Nastrond (Swe)
Nasty Savage (Usa)
Nasum (Swe)
Nattvindens Grat (Fin)
Nazxul (Aus)
NB-604 (Ecu)
Near Dark (Hol)
Necro Schizma (Hol)
Necrobiosis (Fin)
Necrobutcher (Bra)
Necrodeath (Ita)
Necrolatry (Usa)
Necrology (Chi)
Necromancer (Pol)
Necromancia (Fra)
Necromancy (Gre)
Necromantia (Gre)
Necromanzer (Ger)
Necromass (Ita)
Necronomicon (Can)
Necrony (Swe)
Necrophile (Jpn)
Necrophobic (Swe)
Necropolis Rising (Usa)
Necrosis (Usa-NY)
Necrotic Mutation (Can)
Necrotion (Usa)
Necrotomy (Aus)
Necrovore (Usa)
Nefandus (Swe)
Negura Bunget (Rou)
Nembrionic Hammerdeath (Hol)
Neolithic (Pol)
Nephenzy (Swe)
Neurodelirium (Can)
Neuropath (Aus)
New Eden (Usa)
Nezgaroth (Swe)
Nidhoggr (Fin)
Nidhug (Den)
Nifelheim (Swe)
Niflheim (Aus)
Nightfall (Gre)
Nightly Gale (Pol)
Nightreaper (Fra)
Nigro Mantia (Den)
Nihili Locus (Ita)
Nihilist (Swe)
Nile (Usa)
Nimble Slush (Usa)
Nirnaeth Arnoediad (Can)
Nirvana 2002 (Swe)
No Security (Swe)
Noctambulism (Mex)
Noctran Demanto (Bel)
Nocturnal Feast (Fin)
Nocturnal Rites (Swe)
Nocturnal Soul (Usa)
Nocturnus (Usa)
Nokturnel (Usa)
Nomed (Fra)
Non Opus Dei (Pol)
Nordor (Gre)
North (Pol)
Northern Light (Fra)
Northwinds (Fra)
Nosferatu (Swe)
November Grief (Can)
Nuclear Assault (Usa)
Nuclear Death (Pol)
Nuclear Fight (Fra)
Nuctemeron (Bra)
Nun Slaughter (Usa)
O Oraculo de Asaradel (Bra)
O.I.D (Our Inner Death) (Ita)
O.L.D (Old Lady Drivers) (Usa)
Obfuscation (Fin)
Objector (Fra)
Oblique Visions (Mlt)
Oblivion (Can)
Obscene (Swe)
Obscene (Fin)
Obscure (Spa)
Obscure Infinity (Swe)
Obscurity (Swe)
Obtruncation (Hol)
Occultus (Col)
Octinomos (Swe)
Of Dream and Drama (Spa)
Ohura Mazdo (Jpn)
Old Funeral (Nor)
Old Pagan (Ger)
Old Roger (Fra)
Opera IX (Ita)
Oppressor (Usa)
Orategod (Chi)
Orchriste (Swe)
Order from Chaos (Usa)
Organic Infest (Pr)
Orlac (Spa)
Orphanage (Hol)
Orphaned Land (Isr)
Osgiliath (Fra)
Osiris (Hol)
Ossuary (Usa-PA)
Ossuary (Usa-MN)
OST (Swe)
Outbreak (Swe)
Overkill (Usa)
Overthrow (Can)
Oxxid (Fra)
P.S.F (Possessed Swiss Formers) (Swi)
Pagan Angel (Eng)
Paganus Doctrina (Cri)
Paingod (Usa)
Pandemonium (Pol)
PanThyMonium (Swe)
Paradigma (Nor)
Paradise Lost (Eng)
Paralysis (Usa)
Paramaecium (Aus)
Paranormal Waltz (Por)
Parasophisma (Czk)
Parricide (Pol)
Pazuzu (Usa)
Penance (Usa)
Pendulum (Nor)
Pentacle (Hol)
Pentagram (Chi)
Pentagram (Swe)
Perdition (Mex)
Perished (Nor)
Persecution (Aus)
Pessimyst (Usa)
Pest (Fin)
Pestilence (Hol)
Phantasm (Usa-WI)
Phlebotomized (Hol)
Phlegethon (Fin)
Phlegm (Usa)
Phobia (Usa)
Pleurisy (Hol)
Pleuritic (Fin)
Plutocracy (Usa)
Poison (Ger)
Porcupine Tree (Eng)
Posthumous (Hol)
Postmortem (Ger)
Prepuce (Hol)
Primordial (Ire)
Prisoner (Ger)
Profanacion (Arg)
Profancer (Sng)
Profane (Hol)
Profane Creation (Bra)
Profane Grace (Usa)
Profanity (Ger)
Profound (Swi)
Prophanity (Swe)
Prophecy (Usa)
Prophecy (Fra)
Prophecy of Doom (Eng)
Proscription (Chi)
Protector (Ger)
Proton Burst (Fra)
Pseudostratiffied Epithelium (Cri)
Psychic Crush (Gre)
Psychic Pawn (Usa)
Psychosis (Usa-CA)
Psychosis (Usa-MI)
Psychosis (Usa-NJ)
Psychotic Waltz (Usa)
Puissance (Swe)
Pulsion (Fra)
Pungent Stench (Aut)
Purtenance Avulsion (Fin)
Putrefest (Usa)
Putrefy (Ire)
Putrescence (Fra)
Putrid (Fin)
Putrid Decay (Usa)
Putrid Mass (Usa)
Putrid Offal (Fra)
Putrifact (Usa)
Pyathrosis (Hol)
Pyogenesis (Ger)
Pyopoesy (Svk)
Pyrexia (Usa)
Qojau (Fra)
Quick Change (Usa)
Quo Vadis (Can)
R.A.V.A.G.E (Raging Atheists Vowing A Gory End) (Usa)
Rabbits Carrot (Swe)
Radical Mentaly (Czk)
Ragnarok (Nor)
Ras Algethi (Ita)
Rator (Mal)
Ravenclaw (Ger)
Reactor (Swi)
Realm (Usa)
Re-Animator (Usa)
Reborn (Fra)
Rectal Pus (Usa)
Regredior (Ltu)
Regurgitate (Swe)
Regurgitate (Swe)
Regurgitation (Usa-NJ)
Regurgitation (Usa-OH)
Reignterror (Jpn)
Reincremation (Est)
Renaissance (Bel)
Reprobate (Eng)
Repudilation (Usa)
Repugnance (Swe)
Repugnant (Swe)
Repugnant (Usa)
Repulsion (Usa-NY)
Requiem (Nor)
Resurrection (Usa-NJ)
Rhapsody (Ita)
Righteous Pigs (Usa)
Ripping Flesh (Mex)
Ritual Sacrifice (Usa)
Rommel (Jpn)
Rot (Bra)
Rotten Flesh (Spa)
Rotting (Can)
Rotting Christ (Gre)
Rottrevore (Usa)
RU Dead (Ger)
S.P.Q.R (Can)
Sabazios (Nor)
Sacramentum (Swe)
Sacrario (Bra)
Sacred Reich (Usa)
Sacretomia (Swe)
Sacrifice (Can)
Sacrifice (Jpn)
Sacrophobia (Spa)
Sacrosanct (Hol)
Sadism (Chi)
Sadist (Ita)
Sadistic Intent (Usa)
Sadistik Exekution (Aus)
Sadness (Swi)
Sadus (Usa)
Salem Justice (Eng)
Salvation (Swe)
Samael (Swi)
Samhain (Den)
Sammath (Hol)
Sapremia (Usa)
Sarcastic (Swe)
Sarcastic Murder (Aut)
Sarcastic Open Terror (Pol)
Sarcastic Terror (Gre)
Sarcazm (Swe)
Sarcoma (Usa)
Sarcoma (Bel)
Sarcophagy (Usa)
Sarkasm (Can)
Satan (Eng)
Satanic Evil (Fin)
Satanized (Can)
Satans Sign of War (Ger)
Satyricon (Nor)
Savage Death (Usa)
Scaffold (Isr)
Scarcrow (Fra)
Scatofago (Fra)
Scattered Remnants (Usa)
Scepter (Usa)
Schismopathic (Pol)
Schizo (Ita)
Scoria (Fra)
Scourgin Zombies (Usa)
Scrotum (Fra)
Sculptured (Usa)
Scum (Swe)
Sea of Tranquillity (Usa)
Seance (Swe)
Sear Bliss (Hun)
Secrets of the Moon (Ger)
Seducer (Usa)
Seers Tear (Eng)
Seirim (Ger)
Selefice (Gre)
Selossed (Pol)
Sempiternal Deathreign (Hol)
Separator (Pol)
Sephirot (Aut)
Sephiroth (Usa)
Septic Broiler (Swe)
Septic Flesh (Gre)
Septic Tank (Fra)
Septicemia (Gre)
Septimo Angel (Mex)
Sepulchral (Fra)
Serenity (Eng)
Setherial (Swe)
Sevenchurch (Eng)
Severance (Usa)
Shades (Swe)
ShadowCaster (Usa)
Shadowlord (Hol)
Shadows Fall (Usa)
Shatargat (Fin)
Sheer Terror (Usa)
Shub Niggurath (Mex)
Shud (Fra)
Sickness (Swe)
Sickness (Ger)
Sigh (Jpn)
Sigillum Diaboli (Fin)
Silence (Eng)
Sindrome (Usa)
Sin-Eater (Usa)
Sinister (Hol)
Sinoath (Ita)
Skepticism (Fin)
Skull (Swe)
Skyforger (Lat)
Slashing Death (Pol)
Slayer Angel (Fin)
Slogra (Per)
Smile of the Baby (Fra)
Sodom (Ger)
Soilwork (Swe)
Solemn (Usa)
Solitude (Usa-TX)
Solitude Aeturnus (Usa)
Solstice (Eng)
Solstice (Usa)
Songe Denfer (Bra)
Soothsayer (Can)
Sophistes (Pol)
Sorcerer (Swe)
Sorcery (Swe)
Sore Throat (Eng)
Sorhin (Swe)
Sororicide (Ice)
Sorrow Bequest (Usa)
Soul Drain (Eng)
Soulburn (Hol)
Soulless (Por)
Sound Pollution (Gre)
Spina Bifida (Hol)
Spiral Architect (Nor)
Spiritual Death (Fra)
Spithead (Bel)
Splatterreah (Usa)
Stagnated Corpse (Usa)
Stentorian (Hol)
Stigmatized Christ (Hol)
Stilldead (Usa)
Strychnos (Den)
Stygian (Usa)
Stygmat (Pol)
Suffer (Swe)
Sufferance (Usa)
Sufficide (Fra)
Suffocation (Ger)
Suffocation (Usa)
Suicidal Winds (Swe)
Supplicium (Mex)
Suppression (Usa)
Supremacy (Swi)
Supuration (Fra)
Suspiria (Fra)
Swazafix (Hol)
Swordmaster (Swe)
Symphony of Grief (Usa)
Talisphere (Usa)
Tankard (Ger)
Taxidermist (Usa)
Tears of Ea (Fra)
Temperance (Swe)
Tenebrae (Can)
Tenebrarum (Col)
Terata (Usa)
Teratogenic (Eng)
Teratoma (Spa)
Terminus (Eng)
Thanatopsis (Usa)
Thanatos (Hol)
Tharaphita (Est)
The 3rd and the Mortal (Nor)
The Ancients Rebirth (Swe)
The Black (Swe)
The Broken Souls (Ger)
The Chasm (Mex)
The Crucified (Usa)
The Endoparasites (Bra)
The Eternal (Aut)
The Eye (Fra)
The Gathering (Hol)
The Guff (Usa)
The Krypt (Usa)
The Last Battle (Fra)
The Lord Diabolus (Fin)
The Marble Icon (Swe)
The Meads of Asphodel (Eng)
The Organization (Usa)
The Reign (Eng)
The Second Moon (Nor)
The Vision (Pol)
Theatre of Tragedy (Nor)
Thee Final Chaptre (Usa)
Them (Chi)
Theodicy (Eng)
Thergothon (Fin)
Therion (Swe)
Thirst (Pol)
Thokk (Usa)
Thormenthor (Por)
Thorn (Pol)
Thornium (Swe)
Thorns and Flowers (Fra)
Thornspawn (Usa)
Thorny Wreath (Fin)
Thors Hammer (Pol)
Thou Art Lord (Gre)
Thou Shalt Suffer (Nor)
Threnody (Hol)
Throes of Dawn (Fin)
Throne (Hol)
Throne of Ahaz (Swe)
Throneaeon (Swe)
Thule (Nor)
Thus Defiled (Eng)
Thy Grief (Nor)
Thy Grief Eternal (Eng)
Thy Serpent (Fin)
Thy Sinister Bloom (Ire)
Tiamat (Swe)
Timeghoul (Usa)
Tir Nan Og (Ger)
Tirant Sin (Usa)
TON (Usa)
Tormento (Col)
Torture Krypt (Usa)
Torturer (Chi)
Toxaemia (Swe)
Toxic Holocaust (Usa)
Toxodeth (Mex)
Tragedy Begins (Gre)
Trail of Tears (Nor)
Transgressor (Jpn)
Traumatism (Can)
Treblinka (Swe)
Trelldom (Nor)
Tribulation (Swe)
Tristitia (Swe)
Triumphator (Ita)
Troll (Nor)
Tumulus (Ger)
Turning Crosses (Swe)
Twilight (Gre)
Twisted Tower Dire (Usa)
Tynator (Usa)
Tyrant Town (Ita)
Tyrants Reign (Usa)
Tyrus (Aus)
Tzaphkial (Fra)
Ugluk (ita)
Ulan Bator (Swe)
Ulcerate Fester (Hol)
Uller (Usa)
Ulver (Nor)
Unanimated (Swe)
Unborn (Pol)
Unborned (Fra)
Unburied (Usa-VA)
Uncanny (Swe)
Uncomposing (Usa)
Uncreations Dawn (Fin)
Undamaged (PR)
Under the Moon Im Dying (Can)
Undercroft (Chi)
Undertaker (Usa-CO)
Ungod (Ger)
Unholier (Mex)
Unholy (Fin)
Unholy Death (Usa)
Unleashed (Swe)
Unpure (Swe)
Unsilence (Eng)
Uranus (Gre)
Urn (Fin)
Usurper (Usa)
Vader (Pol)
Valefar (Ltu)
Vampiric Dominium (Pr)
Vampyr Domaine (Pr)
Varathron (Gre)
Vassago (Swe)
Vehement Thrower (Pol)
Velvet (Pol)
Vengeance (Pol)
Vengeance Rising (Usa)
Vermin (Swe)
Vibrion (Arg)
Vicious Circle (Usa)
Viken (Fra)
Viking (Usa)
Vio-lence (Usa)
Violent Force (Ger)
Visceral Evisceration (Aut)
Viscid Viscera (ger)
Vital Remains (Usa)
Vlad (Fra)
Void of Naxyr (Ita)
Voivod (Can)
Vomit (Gre)
Vomit Remnants (Jpn)
Vomitorium (Eng)
Vomitory (Swe)
Von (Usa)
Vornat (Fin)
Vorphalack (Gre)
Vox Mortis (Eng)
Vulpecula (Usa)
Vulture (Hol)
War (Pol)
Wargasm (Usa)
Warloghe (Fin)
Warp Spasm (Eng)
Warsore (Aus)
Wehrmacht (Usa)
Well of Souls (Usa-IL)
Werewolf (Ger)
While Heaven Wept (Usa)
Whiplash (Nor)
Whores of Babylon (Eng)
Wiccan Rede (Rou)
Will O Wisp (Ita)
Wineta (Pol)
Winged (Ita)
Winter (Usa)
Winter Funeral (Fra)
Wintergods (Gre)
Wintershadows (Pol)
Wireless Helot (Bra)
Wish (Hol)
Witch Desire (Mol)
Witch Meadow (Usa)
Witchclan (Eng)
Witchery (Usa-FL)
Witches (Fra)
Witchhunter (Mex)
Witchmaster (Pol)
Witchmaster General (Can)
Withered Earth (Usa)
Withered Garden (Fin)
Withering God (Bel)
Withering Surface (Den)
Without Grief (Swe)
Wizard (Fin)
Wkghitpohrh (Swe)
Wombbath (Swe)
Woods of Belial (Fin)
Worship (Fra)
Wortox (Swe)
Xantossa (Hol)
Xantotol (Pol)
Xaztur (Eng)
Xenomorph (Usa)
Xenophobia (Ire)
Xibalba (Mex)
Xtreme Obsession (Sng)
Yggtyrhyrkkh Hin Dystre (Den)
Yortsed (Fra)
Your Shapeless Beauty (Fra)
Yyrkoon (Fra)
Zephyrous (Gre)
Zi Xul (Hol)
Zombified Preachers of Gore (Usa)
Zvrator (Czk)