Gaffed (Usa)
Gallows (Isr)
Gandalf (Fin)
Gang (Fra)
Garcharot (Fin)
Garden of Shadows (Usa)
Garden of Silence (Fra)
Gardens of Obscurity (Swe)
Gardy Loo (Usa)
Gates of Ishtar (Swe)
Gehenna (Nor)
Gehennah (Swe)
General Surgery (Swe)
Genetic Mutation (Swe)
Geneticide (Usa)
Genital Grinder (Ita)
Genital Putrefaction (Pol)
Genocide (Can)
Genocide Inc (Can)
Geronimo (Den)
Ghost (Pol)
Ghost Story (Usa)
Ghostorm (Ltu)
Ghostrider (Ita)
Ghoul (Usa)
Gibbed (Jpn)
Gilgamosh (Swe)
Glacial Fear (Ita)
Glass (Usa)
Goat Semen (Per)
Goat Vulva (Fin)
Goat Worship (Den)
GoatLord (Usa)
Goatpenis (Bra)
God Dethroned (Hol)
God Forsaken (Fin)
Godfall (Fin)
Godgory (Swe)
Godkiller (Ger)
Godly Beings (Hol)
Gods Tower (Bly)
Godsend (Nor)
Gomorrah (Eng)
Gore Beyond Necropsy (Jpn)
Goreaphobia (Usa)
Gorefest (Hol)
Gorelust (Can)
Gorement (Swe)
Gorgon (Fra)
Gorgoroth (Nor)
Gorguts (Can)
Gory Melanoma (Usa)
Gospel of the Horns (Aus)
Gothic (Fra)
Grand Belials Key (Usa)
Granulosum (Usa)
Grave (Swe)
Grave Flowers (Swe)
Graveland (Pol)
Graven Image (Usa-MA)
Graveworms (Fra)
Graveyard (Usa)
Gravferd (Nor)
Green Carnation (Nor)
Grievance (Usa)
Grim (Swe)
Grim Reaper (Eng)
Grimoire (Isr)
Grinding Death (Swe)
GrindMaster Dead (Lat)
Groinchurn (Afr)
Gromowladny (Pol)
Grotesque (Swe)
Grotesque Infection (Usa)
Gruesome Fate (Usa)
Guardian (Pol)
Guillotine (Swe)
Gut (Ger)
Gutted Pulp (Usa)
